Our work in Asia


The Heinrich Böll Foundation is represented in Asia with five offices in Beijing, Bangkok, Yangon, Phnom Penh and New Delhi. From there we promote partner projects in the countries of the region. Our Afghanistan program is implemented by a local partner organization.

Asia, as the most populous continent, has a special significance for the international work of the foundation. The first foreign offices were established in 1993 in Pakistan and Cambodia. The Heinrich Böll Foundation is now present at seven locations in Asia. A major concern of the work is to understand the diverse socio-political, economic and ecological dynamics, as well as the growing global role of the region and to promote a dialogue between actors in Europe and Asia. By conveying green European perspectives on the one hand and Asian perspectives on the other hand, in-depth knowledge and understanding for each other should be generated on both sides.

Main topics

The offices of the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Asia work on a wide range of topics, whereby concrete goals are identified by the local teams together with their partners. A special focus is on issues of ecology and sustainability. This is where the Foundation for the Right to Clean Air, Water and Soil enters. Closely linked are questions about the right to development and social justice. The Foundation observes the consequences of globalization in the region and addresses both the responsibility of German and European consumers and politics, as well as the regional and global responsibility of the Asian states; especially the heavyweights China and India, and the emerging ASEAN community.
The offices deal with peace and security policy and the causes of conflicts. An important concern of the work is the economic and political participation of all population groups as well as the rights of women and minorities.
With the overarching program for dialogue and networking, the offices pursue the goal of creating in-depth knowledge and understanding between actors in Germany / Europe and partners in Asia. For this purpose, the hbs prepares studies and background information, organizes expert discussions between policy makers in Europe and experts in Asia as well as information events for a wider audience in Germany

Our offices in Asia

    Office Beijing - China
    Office Southeast Asia, Bangkok
    Office Phnom Penh - Cambodia
    New Delhi office - India
    Office Yangon - Myanmar

    Afghanistan program 
    Work in Pakistan