
A positive attitude toward the ethnic and cultural diversity in our society and a committed stance toward the fundamental values and rules of democracy are not contradictory for us. Together, they form the foundation of a multicultural republic.

Here you will find current articles, publications, and thematic focuses on migration.

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Recent Articles on Migration

Thematic Focuses on Migration

Graffiti/Schatten auf einer Backsteinmauer, die ein Flüchtlingsmädchen mit ihrem Koffer zeigt

Truly Indispensable! The Geneva Refugee Convention at 70

Agriculture, food production and labour migration in Southern Europe


On our migration policy portal "Heimatkunde," you will find numerous contributions, reports, and dossiers, as well as information about our events and projects that deal with the significant questions of a multicultural republic.

To the Portal (German)

Publications on Migration

Mini-Busse am «Phase» oder Bus Hauptbahnhof, Kampala, Uganda.

Contested Mobility Norms in Africa

Migration from Africa will not only occupy European politics in the future; it is already shaping politics in Africa today and is an important factor for economic development.
Cover Climate Justice and Migration

Climate Justice and Migration

How should policymakers respond to the reality and future prospect of vast populations being displaced and relocated in an era of global heating? With climate change looming, anxiety over immigration from the Global South is increasingly fuelled by apocalyptic fears of ecological breakdown. This volume offers fresh perspectives on the relationship between climate change and human migration, questioning the pessimistic prisms of ‘security’ and market-oriented approaches to ‘adaptation’ that currently guide policy.

Perspectivas Lateinamerika: Kommen, Gehen, Bleiben, Weiterziehen

Wir möchten mit Perspectivas Nr. 3 den Blick auf den Umgang mit Migration in Lateinamerika lenken. Unsere Autorinnen und Autoren analysieren Ursachen und staatliche Politiken, zeigen auf, welche Auswirkungen das für Migrantinnen und Migranten hat, und berichten von Solidaritätsstrukturen, die praktische und politische Unterstützung leisten.