Cover: Policy Paper - Mobility Data for a Just Transition

Mobility Data for a Just Transition:

The Case for Multimodal Platforms and Data-Driven Transportation Planning
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The current, private car-based mobility system is not sustainable: it contributes to climate change, it is unjust from gender- and socio-economic perspectives, endangers health and obstructs urban space. To counteract this, mobility data offers entirely new avenues for planning, organizing, and implementing mobility and transport. This strategy paper consid­ers possible ways to use mobility data for improving environmental sustainability and equitable access to transportation in Germany.

E-Paper: » Data for Environmentally Sustainable and Inclusive Urban Mobility

Analysis: » Data for Sustainable Urban Mobility: Views from Germany and the United States

Product details
Date of Publication
June 2023
Heinrich Böll Foundation
Number of Pages
Language of publication
Table of contents

Executive Summary

1 Introduction: Mobility Data to serve the Common Good

1.1 MaaS platforms: Risk of monopolization and opportunities to

centralize services

1.2 Data-driven mobility management as a building block of a just

mobility transition

1.3 Focus and methodology

2 Sustainability of MaaS Services

2.1 Ecological sustainability

2.2 Mobility and gender

2.3 Services for the mobility-impaired

2.4 Data protection: challenges and solutions

3 MaaS Platforms and Use of Mobility Data by German Municipalities

3.1 General conditions for MaaS platforms in Germany

3.2 Mobility management: Case studies from German municipalities

4 Proposals for Comprehensive MaaS Platforms and Optimizing Mobility


4.1 Targeted support for sustainable MaaS applications

4.2 Municipal options for traffic control and supply planning

5 Conclusion



About the authors

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