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New Publications

Trump 2.0 and European cohseion e-paper

Trump 2.0 and European cohesion

Over the last three years, the transatlantic alliance has demonstrated a largely remarkable unity in its support for Ukraine. But the future of US policy under President Trump is particularly uncertain. Given this context, this paper explores how the European Union and its Member States could adjust their Ukraine and NATO policies.
Germany Calling Cover (ENG)

Germany Calling

Germany is dependent on labour migration from the Western Balkans. However, the emigration of young, educated people in particular is slowing down both economic and democratic progress in the region.
Cover Report From Boom to Burden

From Boom to Burden

This report strives to shed light on the various biophysical as well as sociocultural long-term impacts of mining, which can mean too massive long-term monetary costs for states and further generations.
Cover: A change of course On the road to a climate-just world

A change of course. On the road to a climate-just world

Is it utopian to insist on a good life for all in the face of the climate crisis? No more unrealistic than the utopia of endless growth on a finite planet on the backs of the weakest. On the road to a climate-just world” describes ways to create a sustainable world worth living in for everyone - and exposes false hopes and dangerous false solutions.
Illustration: Ein Titelblatt mit EU-Sternen auf blauem Hintergrund. Text: „Rebuilding Credibility in EU Enlargement Policy“ von Marina Vulović.

Rebuilding Credibility in EU Enlargement Policy

Policy Paper
The European Union has many candidates for membership. It is currently conducting negotiations with Albania, North Macedonia, Ukraine, Moldova and Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, the accession processes are complicated. The current policy paper on the reform debate analyses the arguments for and against a rapid enlargement of the EU and provides recommendations for policy-makers.

Shaping a Future-Fit Common Agricultural Policy

Policy Paper
For more than half a century, the European Union's agricultural policy has focussed primarily on increasing agricultural productivity and the cost-effective production of food. This policy paper provides recommendations for action that are largely possible without amending the EU treaties.


Dossier: Coal Atlas - Facts and figures on a fossil fuel

Energy Atlas: Figures and Facts about Renewables in Europe

Germany, Land of Immigration

Report from the Commission "Perspectives for a Forward-Looking and Sustainable Refugee and Immigration Policy" of the Heinrich Böll Foundation with important impulses for politics and society in migration and integration. 
All Publications on Social Participation

What is wrong with Solar Radiation Management?

A briefing explaining why Solar Radiation Management (SRM) experiments are a bad idea. SRM describes a set of geoengineering techniques that aim to counter human-made climate change by artificially increasing the reflection of heat from sunlight (solar radiation) back into space. 
All Publications on Ecological Transformation

Perspectives Asia: Politics of Food

Food is a highly political issue. Nowhere is this more true than in Asia. This publication seeks to illustrate some conflicting issues in the field of food and nutrition. The contributions highlight a selection of fields, where political action is needed to ensure that there is enough food on people's plate, which is also healthy and nutritious.

Berlin Anthology: From where I shan’t return

Twenty-two authors from fifteen different countries contemplate the fates of refugees and asylum-seekers in literary form. The perspectives and insights are just as different as individual motives, destinies, and experiences.
All Publications on Future of Democracy
Cover: Emerging & disruptive technologies and nuclear weapons decision making

Emerging & disruptive technologies and nuclear weapons decision making

Nuclear weapons remain at the core of modern security strategies, and all great powers of the 21st century rely on nuclear deterrence to some extent. A workshop organized by the European Leadership Network (ELN) focused on the impact of new and disruptive technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Quantum Computing on nuclear decision-making. The major findings of the workshop are summarized in this report.
All Publications from the International Division

Perspectives - our regional magazine

Perspectives Middle East & North Africa

Perspectives Asia

Cover: Perspectives Asia #10: Fabrics of Society - Eine Weltkugelmit einsteckender Spritze

Perspectives Asia #10: Fabrics of Society

The 10th issue of Perspectives Asia takes a look at how the pandemic is reshaping state/society relationships in different Asian countries; it also shares down-to-earth Covid-19 experiences from different regions and cultures, on issues as diverse as trust in government institutions, the situation of migrant workers, and gender relationships. 
Cover: Asia for Future

Perspectives Asia: Asia for Future

This edition of Perspectives Asia presents the work of climate change activists in Asia who are calling their governments and people to action. With contributions from Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, India, China, Malaysia, South Korea, Vietnam, and Hong Kong.

Perspectives Africa

Perspectives 2/2014: Greening the Continent

For this edition of Perspectives, the Heinrich Böll Foundation offered Africa-based thinkers and commentators an opportunity to critically reflect on what a “transition towards sustainability” means or should mean for the region. The articles gathered here go beyond ideological debates to also provide some case studies where green-economy principles have been applied.

Perspectives 03/2014: What Ya Looking At?

For this edition of Perspectives the Heinrich Böll Foundation asked a number of African intellectuals, writers and analysts to provide their take on Africa’s relationship with Europe. The result is a small collection of interviews, short essays and comments that throw light on the complexities and complexes of this relationship, using analysis, imagery, experience, provocation and humour.

Perspectives 1/2016: Rights and Resources

With this edition of Perspectives, the Heinrich Böll Foundation explores some of the approaches and instruments that communities and their NGO partners have developed to create room for community-centred stakeholder participation, and to champion community interests and rights.

Perspectivas Lateinamerika

(in German)

Perspectivas Lateinamerika: Eine Frage des Geschlechts

Lateinamerika hat in Bezug auf Geschlechtergerechtigkeit viel erreicht. Doch Benachteiligung und Ungleichheit zwischen den Geschlechtern sind noch lange nicht beseitigt. Hinzu kommen neue Problembereiche wie Frauenhandel und Organisierte Kriminalität. In der zweiten Ausgabe der perspectivas Lateinamerika lassen wir Autorinnen und Autoren aus unterschiedlichen Regionen zu Wort kommen.

Perspectivas Lateinamerika: Jenseits des Raubbaus

Der Abbau von mineralischen, fossilen oder agrarischen Ressourcen für den Export, der Extraktivismus, dominiert die Ökonomien Lateinamerikas. Dieser Entwicklungspfad ist jedoch zunehmend umstritten. Es mehren sich die Stimmen, die sozial und ökologisch gerechtere Alternativen fordern. In Perspectivas kommen sie zu Wort.

Perspectivas Lateinamerika: Kommen, Gehen, Bleiben, Weiterziehen

Wir möchten mit Perspectivas Nr. 3 den Blick auf den Umgang mit Migration in Lateinamerika lenken. Unsere Autorinnen und Autoren analysieren Ursachen und staatliche Politiken, zeigen auf, welche Auswirkungen das für Migrantinnen und Migranten hat, und berichten von Solidaritätsstrukturen, die praktische und politische Unterstützung leisten.

Perspectives Turkey

Perspectives Turkey 9: Turkey's Democracy between two Elections

This issue features two special dossiers: the democracy dossier analyzes the current situation and strategies of significant political actors towards the Presidential elections. The second one is a gender and macroeconomy dossier, which hopefully would provide an introduction to a gendered reading of macroeconomic issues in Turkey, who will be hosting the G20 summit in 2015.

Perspectives Turkey 8: Capital and Capitalists in Turkey

This issue opens with an article by Yunus Sözen that evaluates the local elections which were held on 30 March. Our special dossier is on capital and capitalists in Turkey. We analyze the varieties of business groups from Gülen community to capitalists of the Kurdish region. Democracy section features an article on recent internet censorship efforts by the government.

Further Publication Series

On Democracy

Anti-Gender Movements on the Rise?

The concept of "gender backlash" encompasses too activities pursued by a multitude of different local initiatives all over Central and Eastern Europe, which strongly promote tradition over equality. In many cases these groups appear to be backed and inspired both by influential US-American “pro life” organisations as well as the Kremlin’s "Gay-rope" propaganda, which aims to discredit the European Union as a place of moral decline.
All issues

On Ecology

All issues

On Economic and Social Issues

The Care-Centered Economy

Why are all those means and measures for satisfying needs - which despite emancipation are provided for free by many more women than men in the so-called private sphere - customarily defined as pre- or non-economic? An Essay about the unjust consequences of this omission.
All issues

Annual Reports

Annual Report

Annual Report 2020

Annual Report
The year 2020 marks the beginning of an unprecedented pandemic that continues to hold us all in its grip. In many countries, the health crisis is intertwined with political, economic, environmental, and social crises. Inequality, poverty, and hunger are rising sharply. Climate change is leaving its mark all over the world.
Cover Annual Report 2019

Annual Report 2019

Annual Report
Our foundation fights for democracy and human rights, argues for the social-ecological change, pleads for a solidary Europe and an equal social participation of all citizens. In our Annual Report 2019, we report on our work at home and abroad.
Cover of our annual report 2018

Annual Report 2018

Annual Report
In 2018, our priorities included climate justice, energy and mobility transitions, responsible resource policies, the strengthening of democracy and human rights, and the protection of minorities. Our Annual Report provides information on our multifaceted work in Germany and abroad.
