Empowering young Black people in the Leadership Programme


The Thought Leadership Programme at Triangle Project was identified to address the historical legacies of Apartheid South Africa. Young Black LGBTQI+ people in South Africa still bear the brunt of our history and do not have innovative and structured places to create social mobility to participate in the democratic agenda. These young LGBTQI+ people are often left out in contributing to change and governance due to the lack of a good civic education which not only plagues South Africa but the African continent at large.

Triangle Project: Young LGBTQI+ Thought Leaders - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

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The project aims to address this history by empowering young Black people to take authorship of their stories; we educate on policy and legislation that impact LGBTQI+ persons through organizational learning sessions that allow young people to speak powerfully and impactfully about discrimination and violence. We are in the process of producing podcasts that are both educational and informative about and for LGBTQI+ youth. With this application, we aim to create a Children’s Parliament which will give a credible platform for learners to be human rights defenders in their oppression with the hope that these young people will form part of government and governance in the future because they have been empowered to be a part of the democratic agenda.

This video was produced with the support of the Global Support for Democracy Unit of the  Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union. It is part of the dossier "Youth & democracy in Africa. Young voices on the rise".