Inside a Champion

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The international community likes to see Brazil as a socially oriented, economically successful state that is sensitive to environmental and climate-friendly issues and has even managed to get the endemic destruction of the Amazon rainforests under control – a great power on its way to the top; a champion. It was this perception that led us to bring out a publication about the Brazilian development model. Because, in Brazilian civil society, another perception of its own state and the politics it pursues prevails. From the perspective of social and ecological justice, social movements and NGOs recognize a development paradigm that is all too similar to what came before and that, at the same time, has revived several large-scale projects from the times of the military dictatorship. This publication takes a closer look at this discrepancy between how Brazil is perceived by those outside of and within its borders.

Product details
Date of Publication
June 7, 2012
Heinrich Böll Foundation
Number of Pages
All rights reserved
Table of contents

Dawid Danilo Bartelt

Héctor Alimonda
Debating Development in Latin America – From ECLAC to the Brazilian Workers’ Party

Lauro Mattei
Brazilian Development at the Beginning of the 21st Century – Economic Growth, Income Distribution, and Environmental Destruction

Camila Moreno
Green Economy and Development(alism) in Brazil – Resources, Climate and Energy Politics

Carlos Tautz, João Roberto Lopes Pinto, and Maíra Borges Fainguelernt
The Big Agent of Change – The National and Transnational Expansion of Brazilian Companies Through the National Development Bank BNDES

Thomas Fatheuer
The Amazon Basin – A Paradigmatic Region Between Destruction, Valorization, and Resistance

Marilene de Paula
Obstacles for Development? – Human Rights, Infrastructure Policies, and “Mega-events” in Brazil

Magnólia Azevedo Said
To Be a Woman in Brazil – Gender Inequalities and Development

Larissa Packer
From Nature to Natural Capital – How New Legal and Financial Mechanisms Create a Market for the Green Economy

Christian Russau
Lula “Superstar” – Why the Brazilian Development Model is a Huge Success Abroad

Gerhard Dilger
Extractivism and Nuclear Ambitions – The Brazilian Development Model and the Germans

Britta Rennkamp
“Development First” in the G-20 and the BRICS? – Reflections on Brazil’s Foreign Politics and Civil Society

Silvio Caccia Bava
Short Circuits of Production and Consumption

Fábio Pierre Fontenelle Pacheco
A Brazil Unknown to Many Brazilians – Agroecology as a Solution to the Food, Ecological, and Social Crises

Alberto Acosta
The Buen Vivir – An Opportunity to Imagine Another World

Letter from Salvador
About the authors

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