The Great Transformation – Greening the Economy

Reading time: 3 minutes

May 20, 2010

Friday, May 28 and Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Copenhagen UN climate conference did not achieve a binding agreement on greenhouse gas reduction targets. However, the need for bold measures against climate change persists. Key to such a development is the transition towards a “Low Carbon Society” and the ecological remodelling of industrial society.

As we leave the fossil industrial age, the great transformation of the global economy on the basis of renewable raw materials and energies, demands profound political reforms as well as technological innovations. The ecological transformation of global capitalism provides tremendous opportunities for innovative enterprises, job creation and new “green” lifestyles.

There are two vital topics which are central to this international conference: “Smart Policies” - the basic political parameters and regulatory instruments and “Smart Technologies” - the leading technologies and key projects for an ecological turnaround. Moreover, we will be addressing the question of what new alliances and actors must come together to stop climate change.

Tomorrow starts today but how can today’s policies shape tomorrow’s world? Are there common objectives, strategies and policy instruments for Europe and the United States? A rapidly growing world population requires increasing wealth, but how can we fit economic growth with sustainable development? Which policies support the transformation of our economy into a green economy? Will these policies set the right price signals for better resource efficiency and renewable resources and allow for public infrastructure and technological and social innovations?



Die Konferenzinformationen existieren auch auf Deutsch.

    Conference languages

    There will be simultaneous interpretation of all panel discussions from German into English and vice-versa.
    PLEASE NOTE: There won’t be simultaneous interpretation of all workshops. You will find detailled information on this at our website closer to the conference.

      Project management and information:

      Dorothee Landgrebe
      Head Department Environmental Policy and Sustainability
      Phone: +49-30-285 34 238

      Melanie Sorge
      Politcal Consultant/ Project Manager
      Phone: +49-30-417 23 395
      Mobile: +49-179-871 60 93


      Böll.Thema Number 1/2009 - Green New Deal

      A green wave is currently sweeping the United States. Renewable energies and environmentally friendly technologies are being promoted on a large scale. We are in the middle of a transformation crisis for capitalism - clearly a paradigm change is under way. This issue of Böll.Thema sheds light on how we can set the course for the future.

      Table of contents and the complete publication.


      Böll.Thema Number 1/2010 - Going Green

      No doubt, Copenhagen was a major setback. Although much remains to be done, the great transformation is on its way: within the energy sector, in construction, in industry – and in Europe, the US, and China alike. To be sure, political decisions will be a major factor in how swiftly and powerfully change will occur. Yet, the future is not the exclusive domain of governments. All of us can be and will have to become actors in an ecological turnaround.

      Table of contents and the complete publication.