Max Czollek
Max Czollek

Max Czollek is an author and lives in Berlin. Member of the G13 poetry collective and co-editor of the magazine "Yalta - Positions on the Jewish Present". Artistic-academic curator of the CPPD for a plural culture of remembrance. 2022 Artistic director of an exhibition on the cultural history of Jewish revenge in the Jewish Museum in Frankfurt am Main. (2012) and "Jubeljahre" (2015) as well as "Grenzwerte" (2019) are published by Verlagshaus Berlin. The essays "Desintegriert sich!" (2018) and "Gegenwartsbewältigung" (2020) published by Carl Hanser Verlag. The theater work takes place in the entire German-speaking area, most recently the "Days of the Jewish-Muslim Leading Culture" (2020).