Svitlana Zalishchuk
Member of the Rada, Kiev

Svitlana Zalishchuk was elected to the parliament of Ukraine in October 2014. She is a member of the Committee for Foreign Affairs and the head of the Sub-Committee on European and Euro-Atlantic Relations. Before, she was working as an Executive Director of Centre UA, a Kiev-based non-governmental organization. Svitlana used to be a journalist, activist and initiator of a number of influential civic campaigns in Ukraine, for example CHESNO (Fair) movement, Reanimation Package of Reforms Platform or the “Stop Censorship!” journalist movement. Being a journalist by education, previously Svitlana used to work as a TV journalist. Moreover, she has experience working in the Government and Administration of the President of Ukraine in 2005-2006. Svitlana was an active participant of the EuroMaidan movement in Ukraine that started in 2013.