Sylvia Löhrmann
Minister of State (ret.)

Sylvia Löhrmann (born 1957 in Essen) is a trained teacher for secondary level I and II and helped establish the first municipal comprehensive school in Solingen. In addition to her work at the school, she was also involved in the Municipal Integration Centre for the support of immigrant pupils in Solingen and as a contact person for women and gender equality issues in the district government of Düsseldorf. As a member of the council of the city of Solingen (1989-98) and the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia (1995-2012 and May to July 2017) for Alliance 90/The Greens, she always paid special attention to education policy. She has been the top candidate for the Greens in North Rhine-Westphalia several times and a member of the state council and party council of the federal Greens. From 2010 to 2017, she was Minister for Schools and Further Education and Deputy Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia. During this time, she pushed for the expansion of longer joint learning with the school consensus, introduced confession-oriented Islamic religious education as an equivalent subject and created the legal basis for the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (inclusion). As President of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (2014), she promoted the culture of remembrance in Germany with the concept "Remembering for the Future".

Sylvia Löhrmann is, among other things, a member of the board of trustees of the German Friends of Yad Vashem, in the Else-Lasker-Schüler Society and supports the Centre for Persecuted Arts in Solingen.

The arson attack on the house of the Genç family in Solingen in 1993 was an incisive event for her. Since then, the commitment to a "culture of recognition" and peaceful coexistence, the fight against xenophobia and anti-Semitism have been among her special focuses.

Since 2017, Sylvia Löhrmann has been working as a freelancer and advises civil society organisations on education, integration and socio-political issues. Since February 2020, she has been supporting the association 321-2021: 1700 Jahre jüdisches Leben in Deutschland e.V. (1700 Years of Jewish Live in Germany) in the organisation of the festival year, and since May 2020, she has been a member of the programme team of the German School Academy, where she is responsible for the area of all-day schooling.