
The availability and efficient use of resources are crucial for the development and functioning of our society. Sustainable management of resources is essential to mitigate environmental issues and ensure the needs of current and future generations.

Here you can find current articles, publications, and thematic focuses on resources.

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Recent Articles on Resources

Thematic Focuses on Resources

Tyuleniy Archipelago, Kazakhstan

Debt Relief for Green and Inclusive Recovery

Publications on Resources

Frontpage of Böll.Thema Cursed Treasures

Böll.Thema 2/23: Cursed Treasures

Global demand for critical and strategic raw materials is on the rise. These resources are indispensable, particularly for the transition to clean energy, but also within other industry sectors. In this issue of our Böll.Thema magazine, we provide insights into recent developments in resource extraction, the associated challenges, and, most importantly, opportunities for positive change.