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The Greenhouse Development Rights Framework


➤ Aktuelle Artikel, Publikationen und andere Veröffentlichungen zu Internationaler Umweltpolitik.

Klimaschutz und Entwicklung müssen Hand in Hand gehen. Die Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung stellt deshalb mit dieser englischsprachigen Publikation einen Maßstab für Entwicklungsgerechtigkeit im Klimaregime vor: Der Ansatz Greenhouse Development Rights operationalisiert das in der UN-Rahmenkonvention verankerte Prinzip der gemeinsamen, aber differenzierten Verantwortung und jeweiligen Fähigkeit der Mitgliedsstaaten und legt dafür einen Indikator vor.

Englische Beschreibung:

Imagine a world in which both the scandal of global poverty and the threat of climate change were taken seriously. In such a world, what action would be required to reduce the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases and hold global warming below 2 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels while at the same time respecting the right of poor people to dignity, to human development, and to economic opportunity?

So constrained is the global carbon budget – global emissions must peak and start a precipitous decline in the next decade – that it is too late to talk of emissions reductions in Annex I countries alone. It is now necessary to secure significant cuts in emissions in the growing nations of the developing world. And yet, even in the burgeoning Chinese and Indian economies, there is still huge poverty. This is the crux of the current climate impasse.

Christian Aid, the Heinrich Böll Foundation, and the Stockholm Environment Institute are therefore proud to be associated with The Greenhouse Development Rights Framework: The right to development in a climate constrained world because it tackles this issue head on. It argues that while people remain poor, it is unacceptable and unrealistic to expect them to focus their valuable resources on the climate change crisis. And it draws the necessary conclusion – that others who are wealthier and have enjoyed higher levels of emissions already, must take on their fair share of the effort.

3. Januar 2008
Herausgegeben von
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Christian Aid, EcoEquity, Stockholm Environment Institute
Alle Rechte vorbehalten

9 Preface to the second edition

13 Abstract

14 Executive summary

26 Introduction to the GDRs Framework

31 The urgency

35 Human development and climate protection

49 Quantifying the GDRs framework

66 GDRs as a global allocation system

83 Differentiation and sequencing

91 Last words

93 Appendix

99 Bibliography

102 Acknowledgements

112 The authors

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