Call for Applications: Workshop zu asiatisch-europäischen Beziehungen

Call for Application

Apply by the 1st of July to attend the first green open-space workshop on young Asian-European relations: "Our brave new world – valuing human rights across Asian-European borders".

Lesedauer: 2 Minuten

Almost 70 years ago, on December 10, 1948, the United Nations adopted the Human Rights Declaration. It is the basis for our understanding that all humans are equal and free. Today, this idea is being contested. Nationalist and discriminatory thoughts are finding their way into the fabric of society again. Growing levels of economic inequality and the destruction of the environment globally add to the necessity to talk about how we want to live and which values societies are built on.

The world has changed from a bipolar into a multipolar order. New global powers such as China continue to emerge and actively influence economic and political systems. They promote different cultural and moral norms and have unsettled debates about our understanding of common values. The loss of confidence by some citizens in their parliamentary democracies has fanned this discussion. We can only find solutions to these challenges when we discuss them openly and cooperate in a mutually understanding way. The hope for sparking such a debate and finding solutions lies with the young generation, which is growing up in a world much different from that of their parents.

The first green open-space workshop on Asian-European relations invites young people with an interest in Asian-European relations to come together and debate the state of human rights in Asia and Europe. We want to discuss with you how the Human Rights Declaration can sustain its global validity and in what kind of world young Europeans and Asians want to live. We are looking for participants from different backgrounds who are interested in politics and human rights and are willing to share their own experiences and opinions.

Date: October 8-11, 2018

Place: Berlin and Gantikow (Brandenburg)

Host: Heinrich Böll Foundation, Asia Department

Who can apply: Everyone with an interest in Asian-European relations under the age of 35

Fee: Costs (transport, accommodation, food) are covered by the Heinrich Böll Foundation

How to apply: Send a short letter of motivation (max. 1 page) and your CV to Ms Julia Behrens by July 1