AA Manifesto

Illustration von Jasmina el Bouamraoui

as words are milked

from my laughing breast

so they are dedicated to her

she,  the other woman

she,  who’s sitting in the corner

    of my mind’s womb

there she is

    she crouches

    she holds herself


I remember you

you’re a fucking liar

I am not in need –

I don‘t need your gaze

to validate my existence

I   desire   you

    to invite me

to look at


I don‘t need you

to turn my silence

into anything other

than silence

I   desire

    to let my silence speak,

for all my words keep me

    from touching your silence

I don‘t need you

to give me the space

that I need to breath

I need to talk

I   desire

    to exhale and let

    my breath


I don‘t need you

to call my name

I don‘t need you

to describe my being

as your words only conceal my body

words are jail houses unless they were built and defined by myself

I   desire

    to belong to myself

I don‘t need you to tell me where I belong

I   desire

    to follow my longings

I don‘t need you

to give me the space I need

to become myself

I desire to overcome myself

I don‘t need you

to guide me into freedom

I don‘t need you

to explain to me the order and rules of this life

all tidiness fails due to stagnation

I  desire

    to hurl your rules in the yard

    of your precious goddamn big house and

    burn them and

    dance and

    sing all night

    and even longer

(they already caught fire)

I don‘t need you

to light my fire

I don’t need you

to be passionate

I   desire

    to live in terms of Begehren

    instead of Begierde

I don‘t need you

to teach me about radical love

it‘s an expression of cruelty

(I don‘t want you to want me to fight)

I   desire

    to love you

    softly in the distance

I   desire

    to be a lover

    a friend

    a guardian

    (a guardian)

I don‘t need you to define my limits

my own sense of shame and guilt are reminding me of my limits

reminding me of the limits you gave me

(as if I don’t belong to myself)

I   desire

    to tear these limits

    and redefine them

I    desire

    to question my boundaries

I don‘t need you

to teach me about truth

my thoughts lie to me time after time

I   desire

    to unlearn

    and relearn

    how to use

    my senses

    my skin

    my flesh

    my bones

my -

I don‘t need you

to teach me about life

your teaching

is a form of dying

you resist

to be alive

(I‘m already dead)

I   desire

   to come


(I desire a prayer of revenge.)