Feminist Foreign Policy
Decisions in foreign and security policy affect everyone, they are relevant for the security and wellbeing of all citizens. Nevertheless, women and other marginalized groups are often not sufficiently involved in decision making processes regarding the security of their communities. Their opportunities for political participation are limited, their specific experiences ignored and their voices not heard.
On top of that, many women and members of minorities face massive discrimination and lack of basic human rights. It is time for a change. Time for a new foreign policy. Time for a feminist foreign policy.
This web dossier is realized in collaboration with the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy.
Click here for the full German version with more articles and podcasts
Warum wir eine feministische Außenpolitik brauchen (Englische Originalversion) - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

Feminist foreign policy has evolved from decades of feminist activism and advocacy, establishing a foreign policy that centers the rights and needs of women and marginalized people, emphasizes diplomacy, and recognizes the history of colonial oppression.
35 %If women participate in the peace process and negotiations, the probability that the peace agreement will last for at least 15 years increases by
The international arms trade is a feminist issue
Women, girls and non-gender-conform people suffer significantly more from gender-based violence, which is exacerbated by weapons. Firearms often contribute to the fact that women and minorities in a society are systematically oppressed and their individual safety is threatened. The following contributions show why the international arms trade is a feminist issue and what Germany and Europe can do to focus on gender equality in the field of arms control.
The European Arms Trade is a Feminist Issue
Online Seminar Mitschnitt: The European Arms Trade is a Feminist Issue - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

The international arms trade - A feminist issue?
Gender, Power and Arms: International Armament, Masculinities and Discrimination
Gender, Power, and Arms: International Armament, Masculinities, and Discrimination - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung