
Addressing Afghanistan’s Climate Induced Exodus

In Southern Afghanistan, an urgent crisis is brewing. Water scarcity is driving large-scale displacement and migration, threatening to escalate into a global issue. Decades of drought have depleted traditional water sources, pushing communities to rely on unsustainable groundwater extraction.

Afghanistan: Ruling by Decree

Policy Brief
Within Taliban governance, the absence of a constitution or legal structure leaves Emir's decrees as the principal guiding force. This policy brief looks at Taliban governance and the challenges posed by the reliance on moral guidance.

Afghanistan: Response to Forced Returnees

Policy Brief
In 2023, tensions peaked between Afghanistan and Pakistan over the expulsion of Afghan nationals. This brief examines the institutional response, challenges, and recommendations for international support.


Adil Najam about Pakistan's Other Security Challenge: Climate Change - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

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Dr. Adil Najam is a leading global expert on issues related to developing country environmental policy, especially climate change. In this interview, that was conducted on November 11, 2013 in conjunction with our lecture series "Understand Pakistan", he speaks about his expectations for the COP19 in Warsaw. He underlines the importance of international agreements and calls for immediate action. He doesn't expect a significant accord to be signed in Warsaw this year - even though he wishes an agreement to be made.

Perspectives Asia

Cover: Perspectives Asia #10: Fabrics of Society - Eine Weltkugelmit einsteckender Spritze

Perspectives Asia #10: Fabrics of Society

The 10th issue of Perspectives Asia takes a look at how the pandemic is reshaping state/society relationships in different Asian countries; it also shares down-to-earth Covid-19 experiences from different regions and cultures, on issues as diverse as trust in government institutions, the situation of migrant workers, and gender relationships. 
All Issues

Video: Urvashi Butalia on Women's Rights in India

Urvashi Butalia on Women's Rights in India - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

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