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Cover: Democratic Corrosion at the Heart of Europe

Democratic Corrosion at the Heart of Europe

The Covid-19 pandemic crystalized the myriad challenges facing the modern world like few crises before it. Its impacts were so far reaching, its insights so diverse, that even the metaphors created to understand it spun off their own field of study.
Frontpage of Böll.Thema Cursed Treasures

Böll.Thema 2/23: Cursed Treasures

Global demand for critical and strategic raw materials is on the rise. These resources are indispensable, particularly for the transition to clean energy, but also within other industry sectors. In this issue of our Böll.Thema magazine, we provide insights into recent developments in resource extraction, the associated challenges, and, most importantly, opportunities for positive change.
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GreenCampus is our further education academy with offers in political management, personnel development as well as gender and diversity management.

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Heimatkunde is the migration policy portal of the Heinrich Böll Foundation.

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The Gunda Werner Institute at the Heinrich Böll Foundation (GWI) pools gender policy and feminist topics.


We declare our full solidarity with Ukraine. We stand by the side of our Ukrainian partners and colleagues and, at the same time, by the side of our partners in Russian civil society who are beset by harsh repression.

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