Der Anne-Klein-Frauenpreis geht 2020 an die Menschenrechtlerin und Frauenaktivistin Prasanna Gettu aus Chennai, Indien.
Gettu, a criminologist by training, is a remarkable, courageous defender of human and women‛s rights and a champion of the right of women to lead lives free of violence and according to their own wishes, a life in dignity and good health. In 2001, Gettu was the founder of the International Foundation for Crime Prevention & Victim Care (PCVC) that offers hands-on support to female victims of violence in India. A special focus of Prasanna Gettu‛s work is the support of survivors of arson and acid attacks.
In India, daily life is marked by a high propensity to use interpersonal violence – violence that is often directed against women. Prasanna Gettu has been unwilling to resign herself to this fact, and it is due to her efforts that, in 2018, India set up the first hotline for burn victims in acute emergency situations. Also, finally, a medical centre was established, offering trauma-sensitive medical care. In a joint effort with communities, medical facilities and the police, Prasanna Gettu is offering education and prevention programmes. Additionally, her organisation PCVC is a port of call for young lesbian women and for transgender and intersex people who often had to flee their families and are without any other means of support. Despite personal threats and massive intimidation, Prasanna Gettu is always helping women and girls, be it through political activism or by providing hands-on support.
Barbara Unmüßig, chair of the jury and co-president of the Heinrich Böll Foundation stated, "India is one of the most misogynistic countries among the large nations of the world, and social and interpersonal violence against women and girls is common. Prasanna Gettu is unwilling to accept this, taking the side of female victims of such violence and supporting them politically as well as in very tangible ways. In 1989-1990, while serving as Minister for Youth, Women, and Families in the West Berlin state government, Anne Klein vigorously campaigned for crisis centres for women and girls – and that with considerable success. This year, the award, endowed by her and named in her honour, will be awarded in remembrance of her 70th birthday, 2 March 2020."
The statement of the jury, along with a biographical sketch and photo of the awardee is available free of charge here.
Ulrike Cichon
phone +30-285 34-112
Vera Lorenz
phone 030-285 34-217