The Anne Klein Women’s Award
In honour of Anne Klein the Heinrich Böll Foundation has created the Anne Klein Women’s Award. Anne Klein, a dedicated lawyer and openly lesbian politician, has been a pioneer of feminist causes. She served as the first feminist Women’s Senator in Berlin’s state government.
The prize is annually awarded to women who have shown exemplary commitment for making gender democracy a reality. The award is endowed with 10.000 €.
The Anne Klein Women's Award was made possible by a generous donation from Anne Klein. Many thanks for this!
Anne Klein Women's Award 2025
Anne Klein Women's Award 2024
Anne Klein Women’s Award 2023
The award winners 2012 - 2021
Nomination and Award Criteria
Dr. Imme Scholz, Chairman of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Chairwoman of the Jury
Renate Künast, Member of the German Parliament, Bündnis90/Die Grünen
Sylvia Löhrmann, Minister of State (ret.)
Prof. Dr. Michaele Schreyer, former Vice President of the European Movement Germany
Jutta Wagner, lawyer, former President of the German Women Lawyers' Association
Anne Klein (1950 - 2011)
Support the Women's Award
If you share the cause of the Anne Klein Women's Award, we would be delighted to receive further donations:
Subject „Anne Klein“
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IBAN: DE15 3702 0500 0003 0767 02
Ulrike Cichon
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10117 Berlin
T 030-28534-112
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