Germany Calling Cover (ENG)

Germany Calling

How Emigration is Changing the Western Balkans
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Migration policy has become a central topic in elections. However, key aspects are being neglected in the debate on better migration management. In Germany, for example, we have long been dependent on labor migration, with immigrant workers compensating for the shortage of skilled workers in many areas. At the same time, bureaucratic hurdles make it difficult for many people willing to work to take up employment quickly. And the consequences of emigration in many countries of origin are also underexposed. 

The research study “Germany Calling” by Anja Troelenberg and Franziska Tschinderle looks – against the backdrop of a lack of prospects for EU membership – at the consequences in the Western Balkan states of Albania, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia: a lack of medical care, lagging economic development and the strengthening of authoritarian structures while civil societies are weakened at the same time.

Product details
Date of Publication
November 2024
Number of Pages
Language of publication
Table of contents

Preface and Introduction 

1 Emigration from the Western Balkan Countries 

2 The Western Balkans Regulation (WBR) 
2.1 Seek jobs not asylum 
2.2 WBR vs. «Skilled immigration»
2.3 The «middle» pathway» is often forgotten 
2.4 Who and which sectors are using the Western Balkans regulation? 
2.5 Every fourth German work visa issued to a Western Balkan national 
2.6 Interim conclusion 

3 The Countries of Origin 
3.1 Albania – Students, stay here! 
3.2 Bosnia and Herzegovina – Win-win-lose 
3.3 Kosovo – Role of the diaspora 
3.4 Montenegro – Equilibrium through immigration 
3.5 North Macedonia – Passports from Bulgaria 
3.6 Serbia – A different approach to the EU 

4 Conclusion 

The Authors 

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