Division Asia

The Heinrich Böll Foundation is represented in Asia with six offices in Bangkok, New Delhi, Beijing, Hong Kong, Yangon and Phnom Penh. From there we promote partner projects in the countries of the region. Our Afghanistan program is implemented by a local partner organization. Here you will find our articles, publications and events.

Perspectives from Asia on the Ukraine War

Addressing Afghanistan’s Climate Induced Exodus

In Southern Afghanistan, an urgent crisis is brewing. Water scarcity is driving large-scale displacement and migration, threatening to escalate into a global issue. Decades of drought have depleted traditional water sources, pushing communities to rely on unsustainable groundwater extraction.

Afghanistan: Ruling by Decree

Policy Brief
Within Taliban governance, the absence of a constitution or legal structure leaves Emir's decrees as the principal guiding force. This policy brief looks at Taliban governance and the challenges posed by the reliance on moral guidance.

Afghanistan: Response to Forced Returnees

Policy Brief
In 2023, tensions peaked between Afghanistan and Pakistan over the expulsion of Afghan nationals. This brief examines the institutional response, challenges, and recommendations for international support.

Publication series

Analyzes & comments

All issues


Our Asia Update informs at least once a month about topics, dossiers and events about the region.

Thematic focuses


The Mekong River — Concerns, Struggles and Hopes with Tipakson Manpati - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Southeast Asia

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The Mekong River — Concerns, Struggles and Hopes with Tipakson Manpati

We went to Northeast Thailand or the Isaan region with Tipakson Manpati to hear stories from local people who live along the Mekong River, sharing their concerns, struggles and hopes about the river which is so important to them and the future generations.

"The Sharp Edge of Peace" – Roya Film House (RFH) - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

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The short film "The Sharp Edge of Peace", supported by the Heinrich Böll Foundation, accompanies and portrays Fatima Gailani, Fawzia Koofi, Habiba Sarabi, and Sharifa Zurmati, the only female members of the Afghan government delegation to the intra-Afghan peace negotiations in Doha, which began in September 2020. The short-film highlights the important role of these four women in defending women's rights, human rights, and an inclusive society in Afghanistan as part of the negotiations with the Taliban.

Unexpected Turns: About democracy in Southeast Asia - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

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Democracy in Southeast Asia: In the four years since the coup in Thailand, the military junta has consistently consolidated its power. In neighboring Malaysia, on the other hand, the parliamentary elections in May 2018 saw a democratic change of power for more than 50 years. What do these developments mean for Southeast Asia? A discussion with Bernice Chauly, author, Malaysia; Prabda Yoon, author, Thailand; Moderation: Manfred Hornung, Office Manager, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Southeast Asia.

Our team in Berlin

Our offices in Asia


Heinrich Böll Foundation has been active in Afghanistan since 2002 and had its own office in Kabul from 2006 to 2017. During the first years, the focus of the work was on media development, women's participation, and strengthening local civil society organizations.

Over the years, the thematic focus changed to include environmental and resource issues, the role of youth in democratization processes, and foreign, peace, and security policy.

Since 2018, the foundation's work has been implemented through a partner organization in Kabul and focuses predominantly on environmental and resource issues.

This page offers a range of publications, articles and background information on the work of Heinrich Böll Foundation in Afghanistan.


Heinrich Böll Stiftung worked in from 1994 to 2019 with an office in Lahore, which was shifted to Islamabad in 2012. The office initially focused on ecology, democratization, and peace and security policy. Since 2015, the program's content had then focused predominantly on resource justice, energy and climate change, and gender democracy.

After 25 years of successful cooperation with Pakistani project partners, the office was closed on March 31, 2019, however the work with partner organizations mainly in the field of urban mobility continues.

On this page you will find a number of publications, articles and background information on the work of Heinrich Böll Foundation in Pakistan.