
The availability and efficient use of resources are crucial for the development and functioning of our society. Sustainable management of resources is essential to mitigate environmental issues and ensure the needs of current and future generations.

Here you can find current articles, publications, and thematic focuses on resources.

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Recent Articles on Resources

Thematic Focuses on Resources

Tyuleniy Archipelago, Kazakhstan

Debt Relief for Green and Inclusive Recovery

Publications on Resources

Transformation by design, not by disaster!

Transformation by design, not by disaster

Four areas of application show: Our current consumption of raw materials is globally and socially unjust and ecologically unsustainable. We need a raw material transition towards truly circular and sustainable producttion and consumption patterns.
Cover - Another lost Decade or a Decade of Action?

Another Lost Decade or a Decade of Action?

Policy Brief
Climate-related shocks are becoming more frequent and severe. More than ever, countries must invest in climate resilience and just transitions, but for many emerging market and developing economies, high debt burdens put achieving climate and development goals out of reach. A new policy brief explains the proposal advanced by the Debt Relief for Green and Inclusive Recovery (DRGR) Project.
Borneo, Malaysia - Rice field

Debt Relief for a Green and Inclusive Recovery

The report analyzes new data on the level and composition of sovereign debt for emerging markets and developing economies and its relationship to climate vulnerability. It estimates the size of debt restructuring and suspension necessary for countries in or at high risk of debt distress to achieve debt sustainability and put them on a path towards meeting their development goals and climate commitments.