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Mini-Busse am «Phase» oder Bus Hauptbahnhof, Kampala, Uganda.

Contested Mobility Norms in Africa

Migration from Africa will not only occupy European politics in the future; it is already shaping politics in Africa today and is an important factor for economic development.

Afghanistan: Ruling by Decree

Within Taliban governance, the absence of a constitution or legal structure leaves Emir's decrees as the principal guiding force. However, these decrees often linger in the realm of aspiration, lacking the concrete mechanisms necessary for effective implementation. This policy brief looks at Taliban governance and the challenges posed by the reliance on moral guidance in navigating administrative and policy realms.

Afghanistan: Response to Forced Returnees

In 2023, tensions peaked between Afghanistan and Pakistan over the expulsion of Afghan nationals. Forced returns led to an influx of families crossing borders, straining resources. This brief examines the institutional response, challenges, and recommendations for international support.
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GreenCampus is our further education academy with offers in political management, personnel development as well as gender and diversity management.

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Heimatkunde is the migration policy portal of the Heinrich Böll Foundation.

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The Gunda Werner Institute at the Heinrich Böll Foundation (GWI) pools gender policy and feminist topics.


We declare our full solidarity with Ukraine. We stand by the side of our Ukrainian partners and colleagues and, at the same time, by the side of our partners in Russian civil society who are beset by harsh repression.

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