Dossier: Afghanistan’s Transition in the Making? People, Perceptions and the Politics of 2014
2014 is viewed as one of the most important years since the Afghan transition process began, over a decade ago. Step by step, over the last decade, the war-torn country has progressed towards sovereign democracy. Now, and ongoing until the end of the year, security will become an Afghan responsibility, as Western troops are being drawn down. More importantly, the first presidential and provincial elections autonomously organised within the country, will present a further important step within the political transition process.
The end of 2014 is meant to mark the beginning of Afghanistan’s next period of transformation. However, what is the true meaning of this crucial year 2014 for Afghans themselves?
Will the upcoming elections result in the consolidation of traditional hierarchies – or will they be a step towards greater participation and more public involvement in democratic decision-making processes? Will the withdrawal of foreign troops lead to the return of insecurity and the hardening of old rivalries – or will the outcome be an Afghanistan that is a sovereign player within its region? Will the decrease of international funding result in the collapse of the Afghan state and economy – or will it be the first step towards less corruption, less mismanagement? Finally, will the lessening of international political interference cause the decline of democratic values – or will it trigger the rise of a confident young and politically active group of Afghan political actors?
The Heinrich Böll Foundation's new dossier on Afghanistan will provide analyses, profiles, interviews, as well as studies that will shed light on the events of what is an important year for Afghanistan and the region as a whole. Through their analyses, comments, and insights, Afghan, German, and international civil society activist, scientists, journalists, and politicians will provide critical and nuanced information about the political project underway in and for Afghanistan.
Video-Playlist: Interviews on Ressources in Afghanistan
Afghanistan's Transition in the Making? Natural Resources, Conflict and Development - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
Watch on YouTube
Khwaga Kakar on the Water Management in Afghanistan (Part 1)
Khwaga Kakar on the Water Management in Afghanistan (Part 2)
Renard Sexton on the Conflicts over Natural Resources in Afghanistan
Javed Noorani on the Mining Sector in Afganistan (Part 1)
Javed Noorani on the Mining Sector in Afganistan (Part 2)