Energy Transition

In the area of renewable energies, Germany is perceived as a pioneer, and the same is also true when it comes to the phase-out of coal and nuclear power. If an economic power house such as Germany succeeds in running its industries exclusively on renewable energies, this may become a paradigm for other countries to follow. Consequently, it is not only paramount that Germany’s energy transition proves a success, these experiences and approaches also have to be exported to other countries.

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What is the German Energiewende?

What is the German Energiewende? - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

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Blog: The Energiewende

Cover eines Policy Papers der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung und Deutschen Umwelthilfe. Titel: "Accelerating the European Energy Transition".

Accelerating the European Energy Transition

Policy Paper
In order to advance the European energy transition and distribute the costs and benefits more fairly, the EU must find better steering instruments. This policy paper provides recommendations for the necessary acceleration of the European energy transition.
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