Economy & Finance

Cover Shaping the EUs Financial Architecture for the Future

Shaping the EU's Financial Architecture for the Future

Published: 15 July 2024
The European Union faces the enormous challenge of having to achieve the necessary climate targets it has set itself, while at the same time increasing industrial competitiveness and ensuring public services of general interest. A sustainable European financial architecture based on three pillars is needed to finance these green-social investments at EU level. It is presented in this policy paper.
Making the Great Turnaround work

Making the Great Turnaround work

Published: 1 June 2022
The long-term challenges have lost none of their significance – be it climate breakdown, species extinction, the increase in inequality, or demographic change. The challenge is to craft a strategic approach that can set the course for long-term success.

Trade Agreements and the Supply of Public Goods

Published: 16 June 2016
This is the report of a Berlin workshop that was designed to serve as a space for experts with backgrounds in international trade, law, the environment and public health to  review the draft  of a WTO Agreement for the Supply of Global Public Goods as proposed by KEI and provide technical and strategic advice on how to move forward.

Aloft - An Inflight Review

Published: 1 June 2016
Air traffic must become climate neutral and more environmentally friendly. With the publication Aloft – An Inflight Review the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the Airbus Group want to provide important insights into the current state of technological developments and the political debate surrounding the sustainable future of flying.

Can Green Growth Really Work?

Published: 12 June 2015
"Green growth" may work well in creating new growth impulses with reduced environmental load and facilitating related technological and structural change. But can it also mitigate climate change at the required scale? About growth, technological, population-expansion, governance constraints and some key systemic issues

The Care-Centered Economy

Published: 7 April 2015
Why are all those means and measures for satisfying needs - which despite emancipation are provided for free by many more women than men in the so-called private sphere - customarily defined as pre- or non-economic? An Essay about the unjust consequences of this omission.

Money for Change

Published: 29 October 2014
In which fields is investment needed in order to drive forward a green economic remodeling and generate sustainable growth? How should the financial system be organised in order to release enough capital for ecological innovations and investments? This publication attempts to answer the above questions from various perspectives.

Care Crisis: Racialised Women at the Crossroads of Migration, Labour Market and Family Policies

Published: 6 May 2014
Besides job creations and responding to care needs, a central argument justifying the development of in-home care has been that of gender equality. In her paper, Emilia Roig argues that the stated policy objective of “freeing” the productive potential of the more highly-skilled women - as announced by the European Commission – widens the gender pay gap, instead of fostering gender equality in the workplace.

Privatizing the Governance of “Green Growth”

Published: 26 November 2012
Big transnational corporations do what they can to stick to and increase their power in the natural resources sector and promote that as “Green Growth”. How can civil society react to that? In their paper Nancy Alexander and Lili Fuhr analyse the state of the development and formulate questions for a debate.