International Environmental Policy

Gelb-Grünes Titelbild von Exit plastic. Mit lila Schrift steht groß exit plastic auf grün-gelbem Hintergrund.

#exitplastic Now!

Published: 21 May 2024
The manifesto for social and structural changes to solve the plastics crisis. A civil society call to  #exitplastic. Now!  
Policy Brief: Downstream due diligence Cover

Downstream due diligence

Published: 20 March 2023
Policy Brief
Together with the Supply Chain Law Initiative, SOMO, Swedwatch and Germanwatch, we show in this short position paper why due diligence in downstream value chains is necessary and how it can be implemented. We also make key recommendations fort he EU supply chain law.
Transformation by design, not by disaster!

Transformation by design, not by disaster

Published: 18 August 2023
Four areas of application show: Our current consumption of raw materials is globally and socially unjust and ecologically unsustainable. We need a raw material transition towards truly circular and sustainable producttion and consumption patterns.

The Loss and Damage Finance Facility: Why and How

Published: 31 May 2022
Discussion Paper
The objective of this discussion paper is to contribute to achieving the establishment and operationalization of an Loss and Damage Finance Facility (LDFF) that delivers on the needs of developing countries at speed and scale by explaining the why and how. The paper explains why the LDFF is necessary before turning to an analysis of the governing arrangements and core operational functions for the LDFF.