COP 28: Climate Conference in Dubai

From November 30 to December 12, 2023, the 28th UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) will take place in Dubai. This dossier contains analyses and comments on the most important negotiating points.

COP28 is being held under the banner of the urgently needed global energy transition: More and more governments and international civil society are calling for a global agreement on a rapid, comprehensive and just phase-out of all fossil fuels - coal, oil and gas.

At the same time, there is a great risk that carbon capture and storage (CCS) and other risky technologies and carbon offsetting mechanisms will be promoted at COP28 in order to delay and water down the fossil fuel phase-out.

Following the breakthrough in negotiations at COP27 for a new fund for the massive losses and damage already caused by the climate crisis (Loss and Damage Fund), COP28 will continue to negotiate its implementation. The first Global Stocktake (GST) under the Paris Agreement is also due and will once again show how dramatically far we are from climate-just pathways to limiting the climate crisis to 1.5 degrees.

COP27 in Egypt already took place in a very restrictive context in which civil society is subject to severe repression. The situation in the United Arab Emirates is even more precarious: due to brutal repression, no active independent civil society exists.

Cover with the skyline of Shanghai in the background

China’s Climate Transition: Outlook 2023

To successfully achieve a peaking and rapid decline in emissions, China will need increased efforts on energy efficiency, a successful transformation of the economic growth model, or even higher investments into clean energy.

COP-Dossiers of recent years