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Since 2017, the Heinrich Böll Foundation has been supporting the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) with more than 50 survivors of Syria's human rights crimes, "to counter the violence in Syria with the language of law".
The International Arrest Warrant for the Head of the Syrian Air Force Intelligence Service in June 2018 is a first great success for our project partners and an important sign that human rights crimes are not without consequences for the perpetrators.
Can there be peace without justice in Syria? - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
Watch on YouTubeEgypt currently counts more than 60.000 political prisoners. Activist and blogger Alaa Abdel Fattah is amongst the most prominent ones and has been in and out of jail since 2011. On 20th December 2021 he was charged with “disseminating false news undermining national security” and sentenced for another 5 years in prison.
Perspectives is a collection of political analysis and commentary from the Middle East and North Africa. It aims to provide a platform to authors in the region. All publications are in English.
The Middle East & North Africa Update will notify you at the latest once a month about topics, dossiers and events from the region.
In our blog (German), Heinrich von Arabien, our office managers in the Middle East and North Africa are writing alternately.